Thursday, September 6, 2012

Poke Poke Poke

I'm really tired of getting my blood taken. Two times ago my vein collapsed and she had to try my other arm. This time the lady (different one) couldn't "find" my vein after poking my one arm and had to go back to the arm where the vein broke that other time. I told her to just use my jugular. She laughed. My goodness, my veins are NOT HAPPY! Thankfully I have a two week break before they take my blood again... I think... I hope. So I went in at 1:00 today because I had to make a later appointment so that I could go during my lunch hour and so the pharmacy nearby would be open, so what that means is that I don't get my results back until tomorrow :(. Totally bummed about that. So unfortunately I don't have anything to report today EXCEPT that my belly is growing (probably just water and fat) and my boobs are growing too (again, probably just water and fat, but that's okay)! Feeling a little less nauseated, and a little less cramps, but still definitely feel pregnant. Pants are getting tighter and tighter. I really need to go buy some more pants. I hate wearing sweats ALL THE TIME. It was fun for the first week, but it got old after that. I took another Home Pregnancy Test. I like to do that before my blood tests just to reassure me that they'll be positive results :). It was as bold as the other line. I'm not sure if they can be bolder than the other line or not, but they were the same darkness/thickness. So I felt much better about that. It still doesn't seem real though. I have to keep telling myself over and over that its real, it's happening. It's just so surreal.

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