Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Is it too early to be feeling symptoms? I think so... however, I totally feel unsettled in my stomach. Like eating or drinking anything just doesn't sound good. Strangely it makes me happy! I read a forum today that said that people could tell as early as 3 days past their transfer that they were pregnant with a pee test. That's TOMORROW! But it only shows up that quick if you have twins. I don't think I'm going to do it tomorrow... unless you'd like to donate to my pee stick fund. I'll take it if you buy it for me. But they're too expensive to start now. I think I'll wait till Friday or Saturday... but if I continue feeling sick, I may break. We'll see.


  1. The dollar store near me has pregnancy tests for a $1! I wonder if any near you do either?

  2. The dollar store tests are actually pretty good as far as how much hcg they can detect. You can find out how sensitive each brand is at www.peeonastick.com Mainly I just wanted to type out that website!!! Then there is no guilt about overtesting with the dollar store ones, but the first response early response ones are the most sensitive and the most likely to actually be positive that early! Good luck!

  3. I would have no self control in that area. Good luck hangin' in 'till Saturday! ;)
