Sunday, August 19, 2012

All Shot Up

Well, I'm done with shots. Did my last Lupron shot at 9 and my trigger HCG shot at exactly 9:30 on the dot. I am including a picture of the inside of my sharps container. It's pretty awesome. I'm so proud of myself for getting through 3 weeks and one day of shots. Not one tear shed and not one curse word said. I even managed to make it through without any emotional breakdowns! I almost cried at a wedding yesterday, and I was mad at Brad maybe twice... (I think for good reason but he blames hormones) so I think we made it through really well. It went by really fast, yet really slow. I'm really ready to be done with the whole process, but it hardly feels like its been 3 weeks since I started shots.

So I'll go in Tuesday AM for the retrieval, and a week from today I'll be prego! I'm so excited! It doesn't even feel real though. But it will soon...


  1. Good luck tomorrow! I'll be praying for you that all goes well. So exciting!
