Monday, August 27, 2012

Burn the ships and No Plan B

Well, the embryologist called and started with "I have bad news..." my stomach flipped and I had to remember that my babies are already inside me :) she said the other two embryos didn't make it so they couldn't freeze them. I was relieved that that was the bad news but just her saying that still made me feel bad. After discussing with Brad how I felt about it, I told him I was sad that my Plan B is no longer an option. That it puts more pressure on it working this time. He said that we just need to trust and burn our ships and then I remembered one of my rules of thumb... "Brockbanks are NEVER Plan B". This rule of thumb is usually in regards to boys and that we never settle for a boy who doesn't love us most, but I'm going to go ahead and say this applies to our babies too for the sake of making me feel better. Our Plan A is going to work and now we won't have to decide what to do with them when we have twins and have our hands full. AND we'll use that money to pay for all the cute baby stuff we'll need :)... And maybe take the girls to Disneyland if I'm feeling up to it! I'm really excited about the thought of doing that with the girls before life completely changes in our family.

They finally emailed me the picture of my embryos. I don't really know much about why they look the way they do, I just know they said they were Grade A :) so I figure there's no other higher letter in the alphabet... They must be awesome. A is for Awesome! And Adorable!

I've been feeling small cramps today. I'm going to affirm that's my embies making a nice home in my warm and cozy tummy. Can I just say again how excited I am to feel them kick!!


  1. That's alright because these are gonna take!!! Sure love you guys!!!

    ps. Look at those cuties!!!

  2. Those look like excellent embies!! My first batch looked all broken up and crazy. My second batch looked more like yours! Ooh girl... you're going to have twins!! ;)

  3. Sweetie. You are simply....amazing.
