Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Embryologist Called

Well, the much anticipated call happened this morning... they retrieved 12 eggs, only 10 were mature, and only 6 of them fertilized. I'm not really sure why when they do ICSI, and they put the sperm into the eggs, why some wouldn't fertilize, but that's alright, we still have enough. Way better than them saying that none of them did or only a few, so I'm grateful that we're still on track and it's going to be okay. We may not have any to freeze, as they had told me before may be the case, but at this point, I'm okay with that. It would be nice to freeze some just in case this doesn't work, or if we end up with just one baby and decide in a year to have another, but I'd kind of like to be done with all of this honestly, and especially when it comes to my wallet. So I'm just going to trust that it's happening how its supposed to happen and be grateful for 6 and hope that 2-4 will make it to day five. If we have 3, then we'll take the best two and won't freeze the other one. If we have 4 or more, we'll freeze the ones we don't use. So everyone pray for healthy baby embryos. It's kind of weird to think that my little petri babies are forming right now. I'm imagining them multiplying and multiplying. What do you think of the baby names Petri and Petra? Hahaha, jk. I'm including a picture of what embryos look like day to day. So today is considered day one, yesterday was considered day 0.


  1. Yeah for good news!! Grow babies grow!

  2. Any German in your family? I know a woman named Petra. Not sure what it means or what the American equivalent is.
