Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Suppression Check

Today's appointment went well. The biggest part of it was that I paid. The majority of it all has been paid now and it's a huge relief and also a huge feeling of "this better work." But I still feel really good about everything. I also paid for the majority of my medicines. I decided to only buy enough until next Wednesday because sometimes they have leftovers from other ladies doing In Vitro that donate their medicines, and sometimes they can get a little extra out of the viles that I use each day and combine them so that I don't have to buy more. Each day of medications is hundreds of dollars, and you can't return them. So I'm going to try to get it exact on and I'd rather drive to Portland and buy them daily (not that I'll have to but if I did), than to buy a bunch extra and throw them away. I'd rather spend that money on maternity clothes :). So all I have left to pay for is any remaining medicine I need, the anesthesia for the transfer ($567) and freezing any left over embryos, which is $1295, and that isn't due until September. So we're getting there :). Today they said everything looks perfect, just as expected. They only counted 7 follicles on the right and 6 on the left, so I was a little disappointed I didn't have more, but they said it was normal, and that more may grow with the new shots I start taking on Friday. So basically I've been taking Lupron, which is a suppressing medication since 7/29. Now I'll start 2 more medications on Friday which are Menopur and Follistim. And take those for like 7-10 days, not sure how many, it will depend on how my body reacts to them. But I'm going to affirm my body will react perfectly and exactly how it's supposed to be and I can save hundreds of dollars because it's going to go perfectly :). Anyway, that's my update. I'll probably update you on Friday to let you know how the other two shots go, and then on Monday with the new appointment. Thanks for reading.


  1. That's great! It's insane how expensive this process is. Praying that you get lots of perfect lovely embryos to use.
