Sunday, August 26, 2012

4 have made it!

So they definitely have two good ones for me today!! Hooray! They told me that they will know tomorrow if the other two make it to freezing. And the other cool thing she said, is that if I did a frozen transfer next time I don't have to go through all shots, it's super easy, they just put it in me! So it's something to think about :) I'll leave that in the Lord's hands. I'm just so happy we have two good ones. I'll post a picture as soon as I can get one of our twins. Their first of many photo ops!

My appt was at 9:15 but still haven't done anything yet, still waiting. I took some valium. That should be fun!

They make you have a full bladder to do the transfer and I was really uncomfortable, she checked my bladder and said it was too full. So I was able to pee a cup's worth. Do you know how hard it is to stop mid pee? Well I did great :) I'm quite a talented pee stopper.

I'm so happy right now. I feel so blessed! It's finally here! Within an hour I'll be prego!!!


  1. oh my goodness that's too funny about the cup's worth! Good thing you're talented. :) CONGRATULATIONS, we're anxious to hear how everything goes!

  2. I knew you were talented. ;) How exciting!
