Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hard part is over

Well I'm done with the hard part. They got a whole dozen eggs. :) never felt more like a chicken. I was disappointed to find out that my follicles fill right back up so the swelling and bloated feeling won't go away for another 2 weeks or so. But that's alright. Hopefully by then I'll be bloated from babies!

The anesthesiologist was fantastic! I told them I had bad veins because of all the blood I've had taken so the nurse had the anesthesiologist do the IV and it went in super easy! I was so grateful.

I'm feeling campy but nothing bad and I'm excited to think my little babies are being created today! Im going to read and cuddle with my girls today and get back to my normal self by tomorrow.

Sunday at 9:15 will be my transfer day. So that'll be the first day of my next big chapter of life. I'm feeling so grateful, I've been so blessed by my Heavenly Father. He loves me so much.


  1. That is so exciting! Sunday isn't far away but I'm sure it feels like a long time having to wait to find out how things are going. Can't wait for the update!

  2. So exciting Angel!! I hope the bloating surprises you an goes away earlier than expected. :) I wish you a healing day full of snuggles. Love you!!!

  3. How exciting! I am glad that you are letting us all experience this with you. :D
