Sunday, August 26, 2012

Here we wait like birds in the wilderness...

Are you familiar with that song? It's a family favorite. One my sister and I used to sing frequently growing up.

The valium has left my body I'm pretty sure, I'm feeling back to normal. Why do people take drugs? I hate feeling not myself. So glad that the world stopped spinning.

I'm at home now. They said they're going to email me my picture of my embryos. I was a little disappointed I didn't get to take it home with me but they drugged me up so I wouldn't fight it. ;) So once I get my picture, I'll post it.

Everything went off without a hitch though, no problems at all. I took a long nap when I got home and now I'm beginning my feelings of bedrest... I think my family will be pretty tired of this bedrest thing pretty quickly. It's amazing how many things you want but can't get and I feel like a slave driver... And I've only been awake for like an hour.

Now that I'm finishing up with all this medication stuff they've had me on for a month, I'm going to try to drink and extra amount of water to clean out my liver and kidneys that have been working overtime with all these foreign things I've had to put in my body.

My pregnancy test is scheduled for 9/4. I will assuredly be taking a pee test prior to that, or ten, so don't you worry, you won't have to wait that long long to hear the results. I'm not one to wait longer than absolutely physically necessary for pretty much anything :).


  1. Can't wait! Here I sit like birds in the wilderness, birds in the wilderness, birds in the wilderness. Here I sit like birds in the wilderness, waiting for Angel to pee. Waiting for Angel to pee. Waiting for Angel to pee. Here I sit like birds in the wilderness, waiting for Angel to pee.

  2. Oh I can't wait, either! I am so excited for you. This is going to be GREAT!

  3. I am so excited for you! Can't wait to hear your good news!
    You are such an inspiration and I have been blessed by your blog entries, thank you for sharing!

  4. How exciting! I've so enjoyed reading your journey :) Can't wait to hear the news of a positive pregnancy test!

  5. So exciting Angel!!! Praying super hard for you guys!!!! Love you!
